Our Anointed Staff
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 Pastoral/Ministerial Staff:
Pastor Ron Black (Senior Pastor; Pastor of Life Missions), First Lady Irma Black (co-Pastor; Pastor of Ministry), Pastor Glen Garcia (asst. Pastor; Pastor of Spiritual Maturity), Pastor Tracy Bennett (Pastor of Membership), Pastor Karen Johnson (Pastor of Administration)

Office/Administrative Staff:
Pastor Karen Johnson, Sister Wanda Garcia, Sister Valicia Johnson, Sister Danielle Welcome, Sister Ardelle Greenwood

Sunday School Staff:
First Lady Irma Black (co-Pastor; Pastor of Ministry), Sister Ardelle Greenwood (Sunday School Superintendent), Pastor Tracy Bennett (Pastor of Membership), Pastor Karen Johnson, Pastor Glen Garcia (asst. Pastor; Pastor of Spiritual Maturity), not pictured are Sister Shamelle Reveter and Sister Lauren Allen

Music Ministry Staff:
Brother Ron Black Jr., Brother James Black, Brother Kenny McDonald, Sister Trina Brown (not pictured)

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