Pastor Tracy
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Pastor Tracy Bennett

Pastor Tracy E. Bennett is a Licensed and Ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and has been for over 13 years.

Pastor Tracy is  a Los Angeles, California native who was saved and filled by the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ over 21 years ago; and has been serving Him faithfully ever since.

She's a loving and faithful wife of a man of God for 20 years,  and is the proud mother of 3 young men that are also walking with the Lord.

Pastor Tracy, in her secular profession is a Patient Assistant Liaison, where she is ministering to those that not only have a spiritual need, but a physical need as well.

Pastor Tracy currently holds or has held the following positions in the church and has also been installed as Pastor of Membership:

Sunday School Superintendent
Sunday School Instructor - Adult Class
Bible Institute Instructor teaching:
        Introduction to Ministry
        Young Women Under Construction
Pulpit & Altar Organizer

In spite of her busy schedule in her work and in the ministry, Pastor Tracy is also attending Cal State Dominquez Hills in an effort to increase her personal abilities and potential.

Pastor Tracy's personal mission statement goes deeper than just the ministry.  She pens it this way:
"As a woman of God, I am striving to allow the Word and the Holy Spirit, along with the trials of life to bring forth my full potential.
To be crystal clear in the ministries of which the Lord has impregnated me with: (teaching, exhaltation, and ministry).
To be able to give with birth at the right time, that it will make a major difference in my life and the lives of others.
To not allow fear or obstacles to hinder my purpose.
To continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.
To be able to give of myself without reservation."

The Lord has endowed Pastor Tracy Bennett with the Gifts of Prophecy, Speaking, Singing, and Interpretation of Tongues, Laying on of Hands, and He has especially anointed her in Preaching and Teaching His Holy Word.


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