Pastor Karen
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Pastor Karen Johnson

Pastor Karen Johnson was born in, and resides in Los Angeles with her son Caleb.  She was baptized at the age of 14 years old at Israel Missionary Baptist Church where Rodney J. Howard was the Pastor.  She is a licensed minister with an "evangelistic" anointing.

In 1989 while attending the University of California, Santa Cruz, she received the baptism in the Holy Ghost while in a Sunday evening service at Santa Cruz Missionary Baptist Church.  Upon graduation from UC Santa Cruz, with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Karen returned to Israel M.B.C.  She was active in many functions within the church such as: singing in the choir, Sunday School teacher, and part of the Mission Department focusing on the feeding of the homeless and hungry.  In December of 1997, Pastor Karen joined membership with New Ground Harvest Church, Pastored by Ron & Irma Black.  It was under their leadership where she accepted her call to the ministry.  In January 2000, Pastor Karen officially accepted her call to minister the Word of God and was licensed as such June 16th, 2000.

Pastor Karen currently serves as the Youth Leader, Prayer Room Leader, as a member of the Intercessory Prayer Team, Sunday School Teacher, part of the Praise & Worship team, and also sings with the New Ground Harvest Choir, Rhema.

Pastor Karen aspires to publish the many writings given to her by God.  Her desire is to be used of God to the fullest by empowering others with the "provision for their purpose" through the Word of God.

Pastor Karen Johnson is an anointed Preacher, Teacher, Singer, and Intercessor and has been elevated to Pastor of Administration.


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