Pastor Glen
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Assistant Pastor, Pastor Glen Garcia

Pastor Glen M. Garcia, a Los Angeles, California native, is a Licensed and Ordained Minister of the Gospel.  Pastor Glen was filled with The Holy Spirit in the Spring of 1986 and has been on fire for God ever since. 

Pastor Glen accepted the call of God to ministry in the Spring of 1987.  At that time, Pastor Glen began speaking, preaching and teaching at the Scapular House; a halfway house for drug and alcohol abusers.  His tenure there, along with a ministry team named, "Going Straight Ministries" lasted two (2) years.  Concurrently during this time, Pastor Glen was attending Bible College working towards his Degree in Biblical Studies.

Pastor Glen became actively involved in many ministries within the church.  He became part of the Praise & Worship team, led services, preached the Gospel, began going out with the hospital ministry team, joined the Fred C. Nelles School ministry, which is an outreach of the Prison Fellowship ministry dealing specifically with the California Youth Authority (CYA), and has been invited on many occasions to speak at several local and out of state churches.

Pastor Glen has been associated with several ministries where he served both on the Administrative and Ministerial staff for five years. He also served as Minister to the Youth Ministry.

Recently, God positioned Pastor Glen to develop & start Pillar of Fire Ministries; a “web based” ministry; conduct Bible Studies out of the home; align & partner with this powerful Los Angeles based ministry, New Ground Harvest Church,  under the Pastoral leadership of Ron & Irma Black, where he serves as assistant Pastor, board member, staff minister, and young adult leader & teacher and has also been installed as Pastor of Spiritual Maturity. He also visits and evangelizes at various ministries throughout the city of Los Angeles.

God has anointed Pastor Glen Garcia in the areas of: Preaching, Teaching, Helps, Reconciliation, Giving, and Worship.


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