Ron Black, Sr. Pastor
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Pastor Ron Black

Ron Black, a Los Angeles, California native is the Pastor & Founder of New Ground Harvest Church.  Pastor Black is a Licensed and Ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ who was saved by the Lord and filled with His Spirit August 6th, 1980 along with his beautiful wife who co-pastors with him in the ministry.  With his salvation came the complete belief that God could do anything, along with a sincere desire to grow and be used of God.

Hearing the call to preach, Ron accepted the call in 1981 and preached his first message shortly thereafter.  For the next seven (7) years Ron, along with his wife Irma Lynese Black,  developed and excelled in all areas of ministry, serving in literally every position in a local congregation, a national denomination, and other community groups. 

In 1987 God instructed Ron to begin preparing to minister at a new level; taking on the position of Pastor--three years later in 1990, the doors of Peace Church were opened under the banner of the Church of God in Christ.  During the period from 1990 to 1995, God performed many awesome miracles--many souls were saved, and many more were delivered--as they began to come into the ministry.  In mid 1995, God again spoke to Pastor Black instructing him to open another church independent of denomination.  In January of 1996, the doors of New Ground Harvest Church opened and God has been blessing ever since.

God has entrusted many gifts & talents to Pastor Black's care for the growth of the ministry.  In conjunction with his background in the secular work force as a construction worker, coupled with Bible courses, seminars, and life learned experiences, God has brought the ministry and Pastor Black's personal walk with the Lord to a new level.  

The Lord has richly anointed Pastor Ron Black as a powerful Preacher, Teacher, Prophet, and gifted singer. 

We would truly be blessed and honored if you come to experience the Mighty move of God at one our services and hear what the Lord has to say to you through this mighty man of God.


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