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News Bytes:
New Ground Harvest Church is a growing church that is on the move. We are on the move for the Lord, armed with the commission from the Lord--that is to win souls to the Kingdom of God through the Lord's plan for salvation. We are located in the city of Los Angeles at:

3010 W. 48th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90043

We bring to the city a powerful Word from the Lord--a life saving Word. True compassion and love for the people of God--and a Mission Statement that expresses our commitment to God and His Word; that is to: "Win souls and train them for success in life and ministry"

Join us at one of YOUR services while we tear down the kingdom of the devil. Come help us build up the kingdom of God and God's people. We offer three services on Sunday: 8am, 11am, and 6pm. We also have midweek Bible Study at 7pm.

Come worship the Lord with us Every Sunday ! ! !

NEW & Ongoing || H.E.A.L.T.H. Aerobics Classes Mon & Fri 6pm - 9pm. Please contact the church for further details at 323-292-0107 Tues-Fri, 10am-4pm - ask for Sis Marquita Dorsey.

We have Bibles, books, tapes, CDs, and witness T-shirts available both in our Church Bookstore and Online via our Online Store. Please visit either or both. - END

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Mission:  To win souls and train them for success in life and ministry.