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Harvest 2001

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Coming Events










January 2000

January 3-7 Prayer revival at 6am-7am; 12pm-1pm; 6pm-7pm

January 10-14 Corporate Fast

January 21 Shut-in

January 29 Health Fair 12pm

January 30 Youth Service 4pm

February 2000

February 13 Sunday School Rally

February 25-26 Women's Weekend Prayer & Breakfast

February 27 Women's Day Culmination
* This will be an anointed evening service beginning at 6 p.m.

March 2000

March 12 Family & Friends Day


April 2000

April 1 Church Choir Concert at 7:30 p.m.

April 5 Food drive sponsored by Mission Outreach Dept.

April 8 Sunday School Car Wash at 8 a.m.

April 9 Talent Show at 6 p.m.

April 23 Children's Program during morning worship.

April 29 Ambassador's Car Wash at 9 a.m.


May 2000 - DOUBLE MONTH - Double Blessings, Double Joy, Double Strength, & Double Finances

May 5 Bible Game Show at 7:30 p.m.

May 13 Walk-A-thon

May 20 Art Auction 6 p.m.

May 21 Sunday School Rally

June 2000

June 13-16 Harvest Convention 2000

June 25 Annual Children's Day

June 26 1st Day of Boys & Girls club

July 2000

July 16 Co-Workers Day

July 30 Men's Day

August 2000

Aug 5 Church Bar-B-Que

Aug 13 God's Perfect Sunday

Aug 25 All Night Prayer (begins at 8pm)

September 2000

Sept 10 Sunday School at Night

Sept 17 Choir Day

October 2000

Oct 12, 13, 15 Pastor's & First Lady's Appreciation Services (begins each night st 7pm)
Oct 14 the culmination of appreciation will be celebrated at a banquet honoring the Pastor & First Lady at the Griffith Park Country Club at 6pm.  Call church for details
Oct 22 PACK the House Sunday
Oct 23, 24 - 2 day revival 7pm each night.  Guest evangelist from Detroit, Angel Smith
Oct 31 Hallelujah Night - No ghosts and goblins here; just the Spirit of God - Hallelujah!

November 2000

Nov 14 - Come to our "Learn How to REALLY Use Your Bible" class at 7pm for 4 Tuesdays.  
Nov 19 - Family & Friends Day! Invite, invite, invite!
Nov 23 Annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner 12-3pm.  Call church for details.


December 2000

Dec 9 - Sunday School Decathlon!  Come test your "Bible" knowledge.  Some of our sponsors include: Word of Life Christian Bookstore & Steppin' Up Restaurant.
Dec 31 - Watch Night Service. 9pm-midnight+.  Bring in the New Year with the Lord!



January 2001

Jan 16-19 - "Corporate Fast" The entire New Ground Harvest congregation is participating in this annual fast.  Information on fasting will be dissimated prior to the fast.
Jan 21 - "3rd Sunday Musical" - Rhema will be hosting a series of 3rd Sunday musicals beginning in the month of January.  Join the choir in inviting friends and family to experience a powerful move of God through music and song.
Jan 24-26 - "Three Day Consecration Crusade" This is a time where we consecrate ourselves to the Lord in personal prayer and study. This is also a time to reflect who we are as Christians.  Devote these 3 days to God and watch Him perform miracles in your life.

February 2001

Feb 4 - Usher's Department is sponsoring a Talent Show
Feb 9-11 - Women of Power Weekend
Feb 18 - Sunday School Rally; 3rd Sunday Musical

March 2001

Mar 11 - Family & Friends Day
Mar 18 - 3rd Sunday Musical
Mar 24 - Sunday School Mixer 4pm-6pm
Mar 25 - Men's Fellowship - Postponed; Casual Dress Day

April 2001

Apr 7 - Annual Choir Musical
Apr 8 - Passover Celebration
Apr 15 - Easter Program
Apr 21 - Sunday School Breakfast
Apr 29 - Casual Dress Sunday

May 2001

May 20 - Sunday School Rally
May 26 - 2nd Annual Art Auction - Cancelled
May 27 - Men's Fellowship Day - 6pm Service.  Come on out and join the "Men of New Ground"

June 2001

Jun 24 - Children's Day

July 2001

Jul 13 - Youth Revival
Jul 15 - Family & Friends Day (casual dress Sunday)
Jul 29 - Men's Night at 6pm service (casual dress Sunday)

August 2001

Aug 4 - Church barbecue
Aug 5 - Casual dress Sunday
Aug 12 - Tom Thumb wedding 4pm
Aug 24 - Parent & Youth revival
Aug 26 - God's perfect Sunday - Come prepared to present God with your best & most perfect gift on this "perfect" Sunday.

September 2001

Sep 8 - Outdoor Bazaar in church parking lot.  Spots available $20 ea.  We provide chairs & tables.  Contact church for further details.  Sponsored by Men's, women's, youth, choir, Sunday School, children's & other departments.  Reservations are in advance and must be in by August 26th, 2001.
Sep 16 - Sunday evening service designated: "God Seeking, God Chasing, Pure Worship Service"
Sep 22 - Entertainment Workshop. Professionals from the entertainment field representing production, direction, acting, singing, TV, film & video will be on panel to answer questions and help guide those that are interested in the entertainment field.  The workshop will run from 9am-4pm and the cost (which includes lunch) is $25.  Registration is mandatory and will be the week prior (Sept. 8th) at the Outdoor Bazaar.
Sep 23 - Sunday School at Night - 6pm

Coming Calendar Events:

October 2001

Oct 11-13 - Pastor's & First Lady Appreciation Celebration.   Thursday Oct. 11th and Friday Oct 12th the appreciation services will be held at the church 7pm nightly.  Saturday the 13th the celebration culminates with a wonderful banquet at the Airport Marriott.  Tickets are on sale now at the church and are $45/person.  We are offering a payment plan also because we want all to attend.  Please contact the church for further details at 323-292-0107 Tues-Fri, 10am-4pm.
Oct 31 - Hallelujah Night.  A Holy alternative to Halloween.  6pm Halloween Night.

November 2001 - The entire month of November has been deemed "Evangelism" month

Nov 22 - Thanksgiving Community Dinner
Nov 25 - Family & Friends Day

December 2001
















Moved into new location at 3010 W. 48th Street
Established twelve (12) different ministries
Established the Ensemble Choir


Opened church Bookstore
Began first phase of remodeling the church
Established our "Mission Outreach" of feeding and clothing those in need
Established New Ground's "Rhema Choir"
Established thirteen (13) new ministries
Increased the total participation at the Harvest Convention
Implemented our "Ministry Training Seminars"


Full mobilization of our mission
Established New Ground Harvest Community Development Corporation
Trained members for stewardship and tithing using a precise format to make the church financially solvent
Implemented New Ground's Tape Ministry
Installed Assistant Pastor


Expand Sunday School to include more classes
Implement multi-pastor ministry
















Ministry Departments


Office of the Pastor

Administration Department


Sunday School

Bible Institute

Youth Department

Children's Department

Founder's Committee

Business Connection

Mission Outreach

Usher Board

Ministry to Women

Ministry to Men







Harvest 2000

Pastoral Care Unit


Evangelism Services

Food Services

Children Nursery

Calendar & Church Use

Finance Department

Christian Education Department


Prayer Room Team

Evangelistic Department

Sound Engineering

Facilities Care

Intercessory Prayer Team

Men's Basketball

Young Ladies Representing Christ






Assistant Pastor







Pastor of Membership

Pastor of Spiritual Maturity

Pastor of Ministry







Keys to Knowledge Bookstore:

New Ground Harvest Church's Bookstore was opened and established in 1999 to offer Bibles, Christian literature and informational books, as well as Christian and Gospel recordings.  Please take a few moments while you are visiting us to stop in.


Join the Book-of-the-Month Club

New Ground Harvest Church's Keys to Knowledge Bookstore is sponsoring a "book-of-the-month-club."  Stop by the bookstore for details & to sign-up!

This month's book "Prayer of Jabez"

AlsoClick here to Shop Online.  Click here to go directly to Shopping Cart.



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