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The Ambassadors are "college age/college ready" young adults in the 18-24 year old age range.  Their purpose is to help visitors and members feel welcome.  They meet and greet visitors and members with a friendly smile and an attitude of love as they enter the church.  The young adults are also mentored by an Elder, minister, and/or seasoned Christians in the church as they are prepared for their place in ministry and society.  We encourage them to assist the youth leaders and director with the younger ones and to strive to be positive examples for the children.   Some of their duties are:

Provide visitor's cards
After service--thank them for worshipping with New Ground Harvest Church and invite them to return
Hand out flyers regarding upcoming events
If a visitor leaves early, an Ambassador should get up and see them out--trying not to let anyone leave without someone saying something positive and encouraging to them


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Mission:  To win souls and train them for success in life and ministry.